Conflict - What is it and how can we assist you in managing conflict in the workplace.

Conflict: ‘A dispute, quarrel, squabble, disagreement, difference of opinion, dissension.’ (Oxford Dictionary)

Conflict is normal and conflict is also inevitable in the workplace, but too much conflict can have a negative effect on individuals, teams and the organisation’s culture. Not everyone is comfortable with managing conflict and it can sometimes take considerable time and energy to resolve.

Early intervention is critical in resolving conflict. A minor disagreement can quickly escalate into a crisis if it is not managed.

In certain circumstances workplace issues can be managed through mediation without escalating to a full blown investigation. A Mediator is a neutral third party who can assist individuals to reconcile differences and develop skills in navigating conflict and effective communication.

Stopline can assist you in resolving conflict within your workplace. We offer mediation services in the way of a fully trained and accredited Mediator.

If you need help or want an obligation free discussion in relation to how to manage the conflict happening at your workplace, please get in touch with us at Stopline. You can send an email to or call us on (03) 9882 4500.