CoVID19 or Coronavirus Information

With the current health crisis and the number of people being infected with CoVID19 both nationally and internationally, people in the workplace are becoming increasingly concerned about their health and wellbeing.

As a whistleblower hotline provider and integrity service, Stopline is receiving and managing an abnormal amount of calls and electronic media about allegations of people in the workplace who show symptoms of CoVID19.

We are writing this short blog to provide some guidance in respect to where to find out credible information relating to CoVID19 and how to manage this in the workplace. We suggest accessing all the current health information from the follwowing website:

If you are concerned about your own health and wellbeing please seek medical attention immediately. If you can, share this link with others to help them manage their concerns and get the right information.

If you have concerns about CoVID19 in the workplace and you think there is an issue please make sure that you read the following information from the Australian Government website first, and then if you are still concerned that someone in your workplace has those symptoms, please tell your immediate managers or supervisors. If you are unable to do so and feel that you need to report this in a confidential manner, please call Stopline on 1300 30 45 50 or send us an email to and we will assist you confidentially to report the matter to your employer.

Be sure to include as much information as possible in your email so that we can direct the information to your employer.

Be safe and well.