Cyber Security Update

With the increase in people working from home, it’s a good time to consider your cyber security. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) reports that there is a significant increase in Australians being targeted with COVID-19 related scams.

The scams involve malicious cyber actors sending out phishing emails and directing people to websites that then install malicious software or steal personal information. The cyber criminals then install viruses or ransomware on the devices and then seek funds to clean the virus. Another avenue is to obtain credentials including personal information, banking credentials which are then used to gain access to online financial accounts.

The emails and websites look authentic making it difficult for people to detect foul play is involved. See the ACSC website on Working from home scams for more information

Web Conferencing scams

As there has been a rapid increase in the online collaboration tools including audio/video conferencing platforms to hold meeting and share information including files there are some things to consider when choosing the right tool for your needs.

Cyber criminals have seen opportunities to access sensitive information and downloading malicious software on the users devices.

ACSC have compiled a very informative user guide on How to stay safe when using web conferencing technology for both businesses and individuals.

Emails with fraudulent invoices attached

Another scam we have seen of late is where a suppliers invoice is intercepted before it gets to the organisation and the bank details are changed on the invoice. Initially the invoice appears to be valid with all the correct information apart from the banking details.

If you receive an invoice from a supplier seeking payment and the banking details have changed, we strongly advise that before you arrange for payment, seek clarification from the supplier by telephone to confirm the bank details.

Stopline have a Team of IT Forensics and Cyber Security professionals with many years of experience. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns regarding the security of your systems.