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What is modern slavery in Australia?

Modern slavery refers to the exploitation of individuals through forced labor, debt bondage, human trafficking, or other forms of exploitation. Despite being illegal in Australia, modern slavery remains a significant issue, with thousands of people estimated to be living in conditions of modern slavery across the country.

Modern slavery can take many forms, including forced labor in industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and construction, as well as forced marriage, domestic servitude, and sex trafficking. Victims of modern slavery may be subject to physical and emotional abuse, forced to work long hours in dangerous conditions, and denied basic human rights such as access to healthcare and education.

In response to this issue, the Australian government introduced the Modern Slavery Act in 2018, which requires businesses with an annual turnover of over $100 million to report on the risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains. This legislation aims to increase transparency and accountability around modern slavery in Australia and encourage businesses to take steps to address the issue. However, there is still much work to be done to address this complex and challenging problem.